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Publicado: Miércoles 15 de octubre del 2014

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  • Rubia 30 años uruguaya francés natural Enviado el 23/10/2014 40E 1/2 HS. MI CASA NO AGENCIA SOY INDEPENDIENTE NO AGENCIA -------- ven a disfrutar soy masajista profesional, tengo 30 años, ni flaca ni gorda, cuerpo d mujer, carita muy guapa. . . ven a disfrutar conmigo trabajo de independiente. 24hs cita al 685----12---49---09 repetirás!!! date un capricho!!! (estoy a un paso del metro pueblo nuevo)
  • DESDE 20 EURO Enviado el 31/10/2014 Hola soy una chica atractiva con una curva y muy lindo cuerpo, dulce y cariñosa que esta pasando por un mal momento economicos como muchos, por esa razon decici brindar mi cariño y compañia a cambio de una ayuda economica, si quere ayudarme llamame y quedamos para pasar un momento agradable juntos. . Edad 27 años   
  • PATRICIA UN ENCANTO DE MUJER,ZONA ESTRECHO Enviado el 13/11/2014 Soy una sexy morena, de tetas como de niña, de boca carnosa y labios jugosos, que haran de tú cita un encuentro cálido y sensual. Poseo curvas voluptuosas, de carnes prietas y piel suave, sutilmente perfumada para disfrutar un encuentro lujurioso donde todos tus sentidos despertaran.....visitame....te garantizo placer, higiene, y una entrega total
  • Hodhod Enviado el 14/06/2015 Its really "LEADING BY EXAMPLE".Your visit of the NAXAL atfecfed areas without your entrouge has to be commended as "courageous and path breaking".It shows 1.YOUR COMMITMENT TO DEMOCRACY2.IT serves as a MORALE BOOSTER for helpless citizens of the area3.It re-imposes the confidence on the selfless cops .Congrats to you!!!I hope ur fight agisnt NAXALISM will continue till they loose!!!
  • Raninder Enviado el 15/06/2015 Its really "LEADING BY EXAMPLE".Your visit of the NAXAL aetecffd areas without your entrouge has to be commended as "courageous and path breaking".It shows 1.YOUR COMMITMENT TO DEMOCRACY2.IT serves as a MORALE BOOSTER for helpless citizens of the area3.It re-imposes the confidence on the selfless cops .Congrats to you!!!I hope ur fight agisnt NAXALISM will continue till they loose!!!
  • Jasmine Enviado el 15/06/2015 Its really "LEADING BY EXAMPLE".Your visit of the NAXAL actfefed areas without your entrouge has to be commended as "courageous and path breaking".It shows 1.YOUR COMMITMENT TO DEMOCRACY2.IT serves as a MORALE BOOSTER for helpless citizens of the area3.It re-imposes the confidence on the selfless cops .Congrats to you!!!I hope ur fight agisnt NAXALISM will continue till they loose!!!
  • Vivek Enviado el 15/06/2015 Mr. Shukla, insurgencies are cveortly supported by politicians also. An armed militia, out of reach of police, which can smuggle precious resources like teak, minerals, etc. is desirable for any political party. It also acts as the militant-wing of that party.It may be noted that a few legislators in J&K have definitely been known to have links with LeT and Hizbul Mujahiden. Bodo militants have also joined active politics in Assam. Even before that, they were known to have affiliation to a particular political party.As another example, only 5-20 men led by Veerappan armed with country rifles, were not caught for more than 2 decades. His sandalwood smuggling ring is as yet uncracked. Similar is the case with dacoits like Nirbhay Gujjar and others in MP-Jharkhand belt.ULFA is known to be involved in smuggling of oil and gas by sabotaging pipelines. Why don't they attack Bangladeshis, and why only Bihari migrants is unclear. Naxals too have never protested against numerous mining and SEZ proposals in Orissa where their opposition was expected to be violent, instead of inaction. Anyway, more than so-called "people movement", Naxals are in reality smugglers and traffickers just like Colombian 'revolutionaries', who in reality are narcotic smugglers.These poorly armed groups can be exterminated by the army, even if operations are not undertaken on a war-like footing. However by enjoying patronage of politicians, they may be shielded.Thank you.