Viernes 06 de febrero del 2015
Soy Naiara una guapisima Universitaria Española de 22 añitos cuerpazo natural de escandalo , te encantara mi combinación de juventud, ternura, y sensualidad. Me encanta jugar, me deleita sentir tus manos en mi cuerpo y que me cojas las caderas a tu ritmo.Fotos reales, caseras , como podras apreciar... SERVICIOS MUY COMPLETITOS Y TAMBIEN MUY BUENOS MASAJES A TU DISPOSICION... Te espero en mi piso privado, en Alameda Rekalde ...
Quiero ser tu mejor compañía, llámame te estoy esperando... 634 95 34 85 también Atiendo whatsapp .
- Svetlana Enviado el 14/06/2015 "The more I learn about Basques, the more I am convinced that they are simlpy Iberians who picked up their non-IE language while other Iberians picked up Latin."We can be very confident from history that adoption of the Basque language preceded adoption of Latin in Iberia, and for the matter, that it preceded pre-Latin IE languages in the Celtic family before that.The real question is not whether Basque is the oldest language in Europe, but how much older it is than other IE languages.I'm inclined to be skeptical of claims that it is Paleolithic, in part because the most ancient Basque DNA doesn't show particularly large proportions of U4/U5 haplotypes found in ancient DNA from paleolithic Europeans (some but not heaps), and partially because there is little evidence that any large Paleolithic populations have retained their languages (outside Australia, New Guinea and the Americas where there were no outside Neolithic influences until the historical era). Andalusian Neolithic origins would put the appearance of Basque family languages in Iberian populations at 5500 BCE-6000 BCE. An intermediate plausible date would be with Cardium-Printed pottery and/or megalithic cultures (which may have been one and the same) which would be about 4800 BCE for Iberia and would reach Basque Spain ca. 3500 BCE.Pre-IE mining industry culture origins would be the latest plausible date for Basque appearance around 1800 BCE. The subsequent Bell Beaker culture appears to have involved migration by minority merchant populations and so probably didn't cause major linguistic change and any subsequent migration was probably IE language speaking. Cultural links between Basque mythology and the Semitic Phonecian religion of pre-Roman Carthage points to major cultural infusions from after Phoenician colonization of North Africa ca. 1000 BCE. One plausible time frame would be from refugees fleeing Carthage following its defeat in the Punic Wars ca. 146 BCE. But since the people of Carthage at the time were Semitic language speaking Phonecians, the Basque language clearly predated and survived this cultural influx.It is plausible to think that Iberians were a culturally unified people who once spoke Basque family languages. Then, the large majority would transition from Basque family languages to IE languages (first Celtic family and then Romance), sometime after 1000 BCE. The probably IE language associated Urnfield culture only got as far as the NE coastal area of Iberia and was on the tail end of that expansion which occurred from 1200 BCE to 750 BCE. The LaTene culture associated specificly with the Celtic language family in Western Europe, which was the first IE language associated language to reach most of Iberia, reached Iberia sometime between 450 BCE and 50 BCE. It is also plausible to see the Etruscan and Basque languages as surviving long after other pre-IE languages vanished because they were early adopters of late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age technological innovations (in connection with the Atlantic Bronze Age in Iberia and parallel developments in Tuscany where proto-Villanovan culture begins to appear around 1100 BCE) and survived because they didn't need the technological package that came with the linguistic package when IE speaking colonists arrived.Of course, this isn't inconsistent with the notion that most of the genetic divergence of the Basque from other Iberians is in the last 2000-3000 years, due to infusions related to Phoenician trade, Greco-Roman colonies, Roman conquests, migration from North Africa during Vandal and Moorish periods, etc., as opposed to the notion of the Basque being a truly relict Paleo-European population. The two scenarios are indistinguishable from a population genetics perspective.
- Shinichi Enviado el 15/06/2015 Which reminds me that I need to make antheor trip to Cuba and PURPOSELY stay at one of the nice hotels own by Spanish companies.I love Cuba AND I love Spain!
- Jacob Enviado el 15/06/2015 Which reminds me that I need to make ahotner trip to Cuba and PURPOSELY stay at one of the nice hotels own by Spanish companies.I love Cuba AND I love Spain!
- Sebastian Enviado el 15/06/2015 Which reminds me that I need to make atonher trip to Cuba and PURPOSELY stay at one of the nice hotels own by Spanish companies.I love Cuba AND I love Spain!
- David Enviado el 15/06/2015 Which reminds me that I need to make athnoer trip to Cuba and PURPOSELY stay at one of the nice hotels own by Spanish companies.I love Cuba AND I love Spain!
- Amien Enviado el 15/06/2015 Which reminds me that I need to make aneothr trip to Cuba and PURPOSELY stay at one of the nice hotels own by Spanish companies.I love Cuba AND I love Spain!
- Escorts en Bibao Enviado el 29/08/2016 Pocas escorts buenas encuentro por Bilbao, me gustaría conocer a Naiara. Yo probé algo diferente, una escort negrita en Escorts en Bilbao, y no me decepcionó nada